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Farga Palau de Ripoll Tickets - ENGLISH

Culturals, Familiar

  • Farga Palau de Ripoll Tickets -  ENGLISH

Ciutat: Ripoll

Lloc: Farga Palau

De dissabte 8 d’abril 2023, 16:00 h a 17:00 h

Veure descripció de l'esdeveniment
Enter an authentic forge workshop that closed its doors permanently in 1978. You will be able to observe two hammers, the horns (which... Llegir més

Enter an authentic forge workshop that closed its doors permanently in 1978. You will be able to observe two hammers, the horns (which characterize the Catalan forge), the hydraulic wheel... and learn about the process by which the ore becomes iron suitable for later work.

*Present your ticket to the Museu Etnogràfic de Ripoll and we will give you the code to access the Palau Forge.