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Seminari: How Êzîdî poetry contributes to documentation and repair - Festival Elixir 2021


  • Seminari: How Êzîdî poetry contributes to documentation and repair - Festival Elixir 2021

Ciutat: Terrassa

Lloc: Online, via ZOOM

De dimarts 15 de juny 2021, 11:00 h a 12:30 h

Veure descripció de l'esdeveniment
dt. 15 de juny
11:00 h
Seminar: How Êzîdî poetry contributes to documentation and repair.With the poets Emad Bashar, Jaff, Sarmad Saleem, Saad Shivan, Zêdan... Llegir més

Seminar: How Êzîdî poetry contributes to documentation and repair.

With the poets Emad Bashar, Jaff, Sarmad Saleem, Saad Shivan, Zêdan Xelef moderated by Mairéad Smith, doctoral student at Brown University.

11h (Spain), in english, online (we will send you a Zoom link)

This seminar explores the role of poetry in the aftermath of devastation by focusing on poetry's potential function with regards to documentation and repair. Through reconstructing the past in the present through poetry, the poets narrate counter-histories which give access to untold experiences that lie outside the narration of a singular devastating event but instead comprise of stories of the quotidian in which violence is embedded. Poetry thus can serve as a form of documentation and repair that rebuilds the foundations on which a collective and wider societal attachments, solitary and a critical vision for the future can be formed.

L’activitat serà online i en anglès, però més endavant penjarem el vídeo amb subtítols catalans a les nostres xarxes.

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